The Problem

Despite the fact that PocketBook readers firmware developed in Ukraine, the company has no care to support Ukrainian language in their products. For example, on the official site (for now remains only on Moldova regional site), you can find RU ↔ DE, RU ↔ EN and a lot of russian explanatory dictionaries, but not UK ones.

So, I want to have an ability to translate English to Ukrainian explanations on my PocketBook Touch Lux 3 (626).

For those reason I have tried it several times to find such dictionary, or even create one by my own. And finally I succeeded.


Download EN➡UK explanatory dictionary for PocketBook Touch Lux 3 (626)

Download UK➡EN explanatory dictionary for PocketBook Touch Lux 3 (626)

The Most Helpful Page

I don’t know why I haven’t found it earlier, but the most helpful information I got from post, which one make me to understand all that mess with dictionaries. In general, I need to make 4 conversions: lsddslifoxdxfsdict, where:

  • lsd is a proprietary dictionary from ABBYY Lingvo x6 Pro, which is legally copyrighted by related company, but in this case it’s really the only one available dictionary in the Internet with word explanations for EN ↔ UK.
  • dsl is the old format from ABBYY Lingvo x5.
  • ifo, or better to say StarDict dictionaries - very famous dictionaries format, as I found during research. Includes 3 files: ifo, dic and idx.
  • xdxf is an open source dictionaries format, XML-based.
  • sdict, or in other words proprietary format for PocketBook Touch E-Ink books model.

The Process

Source Dictionary LSD

lsd dictionaries you can found in the Internet, so that was not a big problem to find needed one.

Step 2: LSDDSL

Next - convert it to dsl with lsd2dsl without any problems.

Step 3: DSLIFO

But next was one of the most complicated: pyglossary. I need to install Python 3.10 on my Windows 10 laptop. That’s easy, because you can find it on Windows Store. Then install pyglossary with pip: run pip install pyglossary from command line from folder with downloaded whl file. Don’t forget to add Scripts folder to the PATH environment variable, i.e. c:\users\...\appdata\local\packages\pythonsoftwarefoundation.python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\localcache\local-packages\Python310\Scripts. But pyglossary won’t find it’s data directory, and I edited it’s to force this:

# at the end of the function def getDataDir() -> str:
	return "c:\\users\\...\\appdata\\local\\packages\\pythonsoftwarefoundation.python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\\localcache\\local-packages\\share\\pyglossary"


Unfortunately XDXF project dropped support for their makedict tool, so I used linguae to do this step.


For this step I used PocketBook official tool (seems that I have no options here). Just run something like:

converter.exe ..\out-xdxf\UniversalEnUk\dict.xdxf eng

And find dict.dic in the input folder.


I connected my reader to the laptop and upload my dictionary (previously renamed into the UniversalEnUk.dic) into the system\dictionaries folder, tune up reader settings and enjoy the result.


Want to say thank words to Ivan Zderadicka for his post.

And many-many thanks to PocketBook Int. for their careless “support”.